Why I Moved to Greece: Living the Greek Dream 🇬🇷 | Living in Greece as a Foreigner

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Have you ever had that dream of just packing your bags and starting fresh in a new country? It sounds pretty romantic, doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly what I did, and let me tell you why Greece stole my heart and became my home sweet home.

So, rewind back to 2004 when I was living the city life in London with my then-girlfriend, who is now my wife. She’s Greek, and we decided to jet off to Greece for a holiday. We landed on the stunning island of Milos, and boy, was it love at first sight. The crystal-clear blue sea, the endless sky—it was like stepping into a postcard.

But what really got me hooked was seeing the locals, especially the older folks, living their best lives. Picture this: an old grandma, or “Yaya” as they say here, taking a morning swim in the sea. It hit me then—I wanted that. I wanted to grow old in Greece, surrounded by this beauty and tranquillity.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “It’s just a dream, right?” But hey, what’s life without a little romance? What’s the point of living if you don’t have big dreams and visions for yourself? And let me tell you, Greece had me dreaming big.

Fast forward a bit, and here I am, 14 years deep into my Greek adventure. Sure, it hasn’t been all sunshine and cocktails—every place has its ups and downs. But for me, Greece offers a lifestyle that just feels right.

See, I’ve lived all over the globe—from Venezuela to the States to Canada to the UK—but Greece, Greece is where I found my groove. The culture, the people, the laid-back vibe—it’s all just my cup of tea. And now, with a Greek wife and two beautiful daughters, it truly feels like home.

Now, I know what you’re wondering: “But how do you make a living there?” Well, let me spill the beans. I work online!. Yep, I’m one of those digital nomad types. But don’t worry, I’m not just here to soak up the sun—I pay my taxes, I’m part of the community, and I’m even working on becoming a Greek citizen. Who would’ve thought, right?

So, why am I sharing all this with you? Because I want to inspire you to chase your dreams, whether that’s moving to Greece or taking a leap of faith in your own life. Life’s too short to settle for anything less than what sets your soul on fire.

So, if you’re ever flirting with the idea of living your dream life abroad, take it from me—take that leap. Who knows, you might just find your own slice of paradise, just like I did.

Until next time, my friends, keep dreaming big, keep chasing those sunsets, and keep living your best life.

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