Why I Left the UK Permanently and Moved to Greece

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Why I Left the UK for Greece: A Journey of Life Choices

When people hear about a British person leaving the UK for sunny Greece, they often envision a tale of chasing sunshine and a laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle. However, my story is a bit more complex. Born in London in 1975 to Venezuelan parents, I was raised in Venezuela, making my connection to the UK both official and somewhat distant. This is the story of how I moved back to London in my early twenties and ultimately found my true home in Greece.

The Early Days: London with 500 Quid and a Dream

Returning to the UK was a dream I nurtured while growing up in Venezuela. With just 500 pounds, a backpack, and an acoustic guitar, I arrived in London with no friends, no family, and no job. Despite warnings from people back home about the challenges of London, I was determined to live and not just visit the city of my birth. London was where my journey back to my roots began.

Working in a recording studio by day and playing in a band by night, I immersed myself in the vibrant life of the city. When I finally obtained my British passport, it was a pivotal moment. This document symbolized a part of my identity, yet it also set the stage for future adventures beyond England.

Fast Forward: Life in Greece

Today, I’ve been living in Greece for 14 years. While London holds a special place in my heart—being the city where I met my wife and where my eldest daughter was born—my life in Greece has been deeply fulfilling. There are several reasons why I chose to leave my dream life in England for a new beginning in Greece.

Seven Reasons Why I Chose Greece Over England

1. The Weather

The weather in England, notorious for its grey skies and constant rain, eventually took a toll on my mental health. Growing up in Venezuela’s tropical climate, I was used to sunny days and proximity to the sea. Greece, with its beautiful weather, was a natural choice for me, offering the warmth and sunshine I craved.

2. The Food

Greek cuisine is unparalleled. While England offers diverse cuisines from around the world, nothing compares to the Mediterranean diet. My first taste of souvlaki was a revelation. The fresh, flavorful Greek dishes far surpassed anything I had in the UK, making it easy to fall in love with Greek food.

3. The Cost of Living

London is one of the most expensive cities in the world. From bus fares to housing, the cost of living was skyrocketing. Even though wages in Greece might be lower, the overall cost of living is more affordable, allowing for a better quality of life on a modest income.

4. The Lifestyle

In Greece, my lifestyle is vastly different. Here, I enjoy a more active, outdoor-oriented life. I can walk from my home to the beach, shoot YouTube videos in beautiful locations, and go for hikes regularly. This contrasts sharply with my London life, where my daily exercise was limited to commuting on the tube and bus.

5. Community and a Sense of Belonging

Finding a sense of community in a vast city like London was challenging. In Greece, I immediately felt welcomed. The Greeks are known for their hospitality, and integrating into the local community was seamless. This sense of belonging is crucial, especially for my children, who are growing up in a nurturing and connected environment.

6. Culture and History

Greece is a country steeped in history and culture. Every corner you turn, there’s a piece of ancient history or a cultural artefact. Learning Greek has deepened my appreciation for this rich heritage, connecting me to the roots of Western civilization in a way that is both fascinating and fulfilling.

7. Work-Life Balance

The work-life balance in Greece is vastly different from that in the UK. Despite the stereotype of Greeks being lazy, the reality is that many Greeks work very hard while still managing to maintain a balance between work and personal life. Small business owners like my friend Panayiotis, who runs a shop single-handedly, can still find time for family and relaxation—a concept almost unheard of in London.

Final Thoughts: Embracing the Greek Life

While my life in Greece may seem idyllic, it’s not without its challenges. However, the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. The weather, food, affordable living, active lifestyle, sense of community, rich culture, and better work-life balance all contribute to a fulfilling life here. Sharing my journey through my YouTube channel has connected me with many others who appreciate this unique blend of cultures.

Leaving the UK for Greece was one of the best decisions I’ve made, offering a richer, more connected life. Whether it’s engaging with the community, enjoying the outdoors, or simply savouring the delicious food, Greece has truly become my home.

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