My Journey to Learning Greek

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My Journey to Learning Greek: More Than Just Words

Hey everyone! I’m excited to share my journey of learning Greek with you, and hopefully inspire some of you to start your own language adventure. This isn’t just about grammar and vocabulary; it’s about mindset and finding your own reason why.

When I launched my channel, My Greek Lifestyle, my goal was to immerse myself in Greek culture and share that experience with you. Speaking Greek became an essential part of that journey. Living in Greece and not speaking the language was never an option for me. I wanted to experience and help you experience Greece as a true local, and language is a key part of that.

Finding Your “Why”

Before diving into the how-tos, let’s talk about the “why.” For some, learning a new language is a fun challenge. For others, like me, it’s a necessity. Moving to Greece and integrating into the local community meant I needed to speak Greek. I couldn’t bear the idea of not understanding or being understood.

Starting with the Basics

My Greek learning journey started in 2002, inspired by the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.” The first Greek phrase I learned was “Opa!” The second? “Efharisto,” which means “thank you.” These simple beginnings laid the foundation for my language skills.

Today, I speak three languages: Spanish, English, and Greek. But it wasn’t easy. Despite what some people think, learning Greek didn’t come naturally just because I speak Spanish or because my wife is Greek. It took hard work, dedication, and a lot of practice.

Overcoming Challenges

There were plenty of challenges along the way. Studying Greek while living in London, using every resource I could find, from books to TV shows, was tough. But every effort counted, especially when it came to personal moments. For example, before I got married, I learned a Greek phrase to ask my father-in-law for his daughter’s hand in marriage. This effort was greatly appreciated and strengthened my resolve to master the language.

The Ultimate Goal

For me, the ultimate goal was to blend into the Greek community seamlessly. I wanted to speak Greek well enough that locals might mistake me for one of their own. This level of mastery requires more than just knowing the basics. It takes dedication, immersion, and a deep understanding of the culture.

Your Greek Learning Journey

If you’re considering learning Greek, or any new language, find your “why.” Whether it’s out of curiosity or necessity, let that motivation drive you. Immerse yourself in the language, practice daily, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Remember, learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint.

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