Living in Greece as a Foreigner 🇬🇷 | How to integrate in the community

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Moving to a new country can be both thrilling and daunting, and Greece is no exception. As someone who has called Greece home for 14 years, I want to share some key insights on how to integrate into Greek society and become part of the community.

1. Adjust Your Attitude

When relocating, it’s crucial to approach the experience with the right mindset. Remember, as foreigners, we must adapt to the local culture rather than expecting it to adapt to us. Initially, the excitement of moving to a new country can make every experience feel like an adventure. However, this initial enthusiasm can fade as reality sets in. Maintaining a positive attitude and being open to new experiences is essential for long-term integration.

2. Learn the Language

Language is a powerful tool for integration. Even if your Greek skills are basic, making an effort to communicate in Greek can go a long way. Greeks appreciate when foreigners try to speak their language and are often willing to meet you halfway. Immersing yourself in the language through methods like watching Greek TV or taking language classes can significantly enhance your ability to communicate and feel at home.

3. Say Yes to Everything

One of the best ways to integrate is by actively participating in the community. Say yes to invitations, whether it’s a local holiday celebration, a theater play, or a child’s birthday party. These events provide excellent opportunities to meet people and build connections. Even if it seems like a small gesture, attending local gatherings can help you blend into the community more smoothly.

4. Join Classes and Groups

Enrolling in classes or joining groups that interest you is another effective way to meet people and integrate. Whether it’s yoga, Pilates, sewing, or a gym membership, these activities help you connect with locals who share similar interests. Being part of a Facebook group for expats can also provide valuable support and information.

5. Establish a Routine

Creating a routine is vital for feeling settled in a new place. This could be a daily walk, a regular visit to a local café, or any activity that helps you interact with the community consistently. For example, my early morning walks have led to a friendship with a local elderly man, which adds a personal touch to my daily life and reinforces my sense of belonging.

6. Engage with the Community

Simple interactions, like greeting people with “yasas” or “kalimera,” can open doors to deeper connections. Whether it’s chatting with a local shop owner or a fellow gym-goer, these small gestures build rapport and demonstrate your willingness to be part of the community.

Final Thoughts

Integrating into a new country takes effort and a proactive approach. By adjusting your attitude, learning the language, saying yes to new experiences, joining local groups, establishing a routine, and engaging with the community, you can make your transition to life in Greece smoother and more fulfilling.

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