Living in Greece as a Foreigner: How I Manifested My Dream Life in Greece

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My Journey to Greece: How I Manifested My Dream Life

Have you ever daydreamed about living in a beautiful place, watching the sunrise over the ocean, and embracing a simpler lifestyle? That was my dream, and today, I’m living it in Greece. Here’s my story of how I turned that dream into reality.

The Seed of a Dream

My journey began in the early 2000s when my wife and I were living in England. My wife is Greek, and our first holiday together was to a Greek island. We chose Milos, a place I had never been before. As soon as I arrived, I was captivated by the beauty and simplicity of life there. I noticed the locals, especially the elderly men and women, who would swim early in the morning. This simple act planted a seed in my mind. I envisioned myself growing old, swimming in the sea every morning, and living a peaceful life on a Greek island.

Honeymoon in Milos

Fast forward to our honeymoon, and we were back in Milos, this time for over 20 days. I immersed myself in the local lifestyle, pretending to be a local. It was like living in a bubble, but it felt real. I started to believe that this could be my future. The dream became more vivid and more attainable.

Life’s Turning Point

A year after our honeymoon, our first daughter was born. This pivotal moment made me realize that life in London wasn’t what I wanted for our family. I wanted to move to Greece. My wife, who had left Greece at 17 to study and work in England, was initially hesitant. But I was determined. I convinced her that moving to Greece was the right decision.

The Move to Greece

In 2010, we moved to her hometown, not an island but still a significant change from London. Although it wasn’t my dream island life, I was content. Living in Greece was a dream come true, even if it was in a different setting than I had initially imagined.

Discovering Nafplio

A few years later, we visited Nafplio for a holiday. The moment I arrived, I fell in love with the city. It was beautiful, with a rich history and vibrant culture. I began to visualize our life there, writing down my goals and dreams in a little black book. I wrote daily affirmations about living in Nafplio with my family, swimming in the sea, and embracing the local lifestyle.

The Power of Visualization

Despite the challenges, I never gave up on my dream. Visualization became a powerful tool. I imagined our life in Nafplio so vividly that it started to feel real. Each summer, we visited Nafplio, reinforcing my desire to live there. I believed in my dream so strongly that no amount of negativity could deter me.

The Final Move

In 2020, just as the pandemic hit, we finally moved to Nafplio. It was a chaotic time, filled with uncertainties, but we made it. The transition was tough, but we persevered. Moving during a global pandemic was challenging, but our determination paid off.

Living the Dream

Today, we live in Nafplio, and I couldn’t be happier. The journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. My life is a testament to the power of visualization and determination. If you have a dream, no matter how impossible it seems, keep believing in it. Write it down, visualize it, and work towards it every day. Dreams do come true if you hold onto them and take action.

Thank you for all your love and support. Remember, if you can dream it, you can achieve it.

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