Living in Greece as a Foreigner: How I Make Money Online

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My Journey as a Music Composer in Greece: From Cafés to Creativity

Hello everyone! I’ve received many questions about what I do for a living here in Greece, especially since I started this YouTube channel. So, today, I’m pulling back the curtain to share my story and hopefully inspire some of you to pursue your passions.

How It All Began

I compose music for a living. Yes, that’s right—music! I create compositions for TV, films, documentaries, YouTube channels, social media, and advertisements. From the comfort of my home, equipped with just a laptop, some software, and my trusty guitar, I craft the tunes you hear on this channel.

Welcome to My Studio

I spend my days in my home studio, where the magic happens. Luna and Pixie, my cats, keep me company while I work. I have a desk, guitars, and all the necessary gear to run my business, from composing music to editing videos.

My Path to Greece

Moving to Greece wasn’t always the plan. After living in the UK, I moved here because my in-laws offered me the opportunity to run their café, a successful family business for 15 years. It seemed like the perfect way to transition into Greek life. However, things didn’t go as planned.

The Struggle and the Shift

Running the café turned out to be a bad idea, and we quickly lost our savings. My wife, who was initially reluctant to return to Greece, had to become the primary breadwinner while I became a stay-at-home dad. Determined to turn things around, I decided to leverage my skills and explore online opportunities.

Embracing the Online World

With a background in music, I ventured into music licensing. I began uploading my compositions to various music licensing libraries, which acted as publishers. This allowed me to earn a living while working from home.

Teaching and Expanding

Not only do I compose music, but I also teach others how to do it. I offer one-on-one coaching and online courses for musicians and composers looking to get into music licensing. This teaching aspect of my business has been incredibly rewarding.

Beyond Music: Helping Others Start Online Businesses

My journey didn’t stop with music. I expanded my expertise to help others start online businesses. I teach people how to transform their knowledge and experience into digital products, allowing them to create their own online ventures.

Overcoming Challenges

My path wasn’t easy. Moving to a foreign country, facing financial struggles, and finding my footing as a stay-at-home dad was challenging. But through personal development, mindset shifts, and a lot of hard work, I turned my situation around.

Living the Dream in Greece

Today, I’m proud to earn a living in dollars and bring that income to Greece. While it’s not always easy, I love living here and contributing to the local economy. This YouTube channel is a labor of love, aimed at inspiring others to follow their dreams, whether that’s relocating to a new country or starting an online business.

Final Thoughts

Life will throw you curveballs, but it’s how you respond that matters. My dreams brought me to Greece, and I set high standards for myself. By building my own opportunities, I’ve created a life I’m proud of. If my story can inspire even one person to pursue their passion, then sharing it has been worthwhile.

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